Zorzor, Lofa County

2nd playground built by Gathering Together.

Community library with Community Centre.
The shipping container used to ship the playground from USA to Liberia, was converted into a library by a school in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, USA.  Library books were sent by HELLO, an organisation which partners with Gathering Together to send books to Liberia. The aim is to inculcate and encourage Liberians to develop the habit of reading books.

Radio station.
The radio station was primarily set up during the Ebola crises that hit Liberia as there was no dissemination of knowledge, on preventive measures to be taken by the community. Gathering Together partnered with HELLO (Help Encourage Liberian Little Ones), and YOTAL (YOuth TAlk Liberia) to set up the station. Currently broadcasts are made which provide informative messages and foster community unity and wellbeing in communities. During the Ebola crises, preventive measures that needed to be taken were continuously broadcast. Listeners are also updated on current affairs. Gathering together is waiting for funds to buy solar panels for the station.